Paul Z, SVP at Crayola International shares his take on, life, arts, and enriching the world through color.
Paul’s passion is inspiring creativity, expressing in colour and asking the greatest question: “What If?” His career has always been about innovation and creating both “New To World” and “New to Market” opportunities. He has been fortunate to travel the world and work with inspiring people from all walks of life… from doctors and educators to philosophers and most importantly, children, who will one day change the world.
His belief that you need to truly think like a child to really drive true ground breaking technology has been routed throughout his career. Paul was shaped by being raised the youngest of ten children, having parents who believed the arts could change the world, raising three kids and by admiring those that express their passion and creativity in all that they do.
Paul currently resides in a plane that covers the globe. And yes, he has frequent flyer status.
The RICH Learning Summer Team
Paul Z, Dr. Rich, Hany Wadie Assad (Egypt), and Dr. Bill Nelsen, Chair of the RICH Learning International Foundation
Paul Z meets RICH Learning’s Favorite Neurologists in Boston
Paul Z meets RICH Learning’s favorite edutech folks at the Toy Fair in Hong Kong.
Dr. Rich gives each child a pack of Crayolas prior to the six week pilot project in Shashemene Ethiopia.
Guess the nick-name of the RICH Learning cartoon hero? Patrick Isadore Patterson is called PIP!